1932 Wynnton RoadColumbus, GA 31999
Phone: (706)323-3431
Toll Free: (800)992-352
Year Founded: 1955
AFLAC provides supplemental health and life insurance insurance US. They are known by the AFLAC duck character in their marketing campaigns.
Parent Company: AFLAC Inc
Stock Symbol: AFL
Social profiles for Aflac
Aflac on FacebookAflac on Twitter
Aflac on LinkedIn
Youtube (handle: aflac)
Reviews and Ratings for Aflac
This company has an overall rating of: 10.00 (10.00 out of 10)
1 total review
Review of Aflac by Sam F. on August 09, 2016
Claims process was extremely easy and it did as advertised- paid in one day. I've compared it to other companies that offer similar types of insurance, but nothing compares to the plans. Aflac pays outs fantastic while other companies have long elimination periods, pre-existing clauses, and you have to pay extra for additional benefits. From my understanding (and by actually having to call, I believe it's true) all call centers are in the US and no problems with communication.
(10 out of 10)
Claims process was extremely easy and it did as advertised- paid in one day. I've compared it to other companies that offer similar types of insurance, but nothing compares to the plans. Aflac pays outs fantastic while other companies have long elimination periods, pre-existing clauses, and you have to pay extra for additional benefits. From my understanding (and by actually having to call, I believe it's true) all call centers are in the US and no problems with communication.
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Our data on Aflac was last reviewed, or updated, March 05, 2012
Revision History
03/05/2012 02:17 PM
: Updated company logo
03/05/2012 02:04 PM
: Updated social profile links for AFLAC
03/05/2012 02:03 PM
: Updated company logo