Insurance Level Home > Vehicle Database > Vehicle Year: 1989 > Make: ZIL > Model: 4104 >

1989 ZIL 4104

Insurance quote for a 1989 ZIL 4104

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This 1989 ZIL 4104 may qualify for classic car insurance coverage. When discussing your coverage, you should be sure to inquire about a classic car insurance policy or a stated value insurance policy. Vehicles over 25 years of age might qualify for classic car coverage at a much lower cost. Speak with an agent today.

Vehicle Performance Data

0-62 MPH:
Top Speed: 199.0 km/h (123,08 mph)
Maximum Power: 316.00 PS (230.84 kW or 310.44 HP)
Maximum Torque: 607.49 Nm (61.59 kgf-m or 445.86 ft.lbs)
Power Per Weight:

Engine and Drive train Information

Engine: 7690 ccm (466.89 cubic inches)
Engine Type: V8
Engine Position: Front
Bore Stroke: 108.0 x 104.9 mm (4.28 x 4.1 inches)
Valves per cylinder: 2
Compression: 9.3:1
Cooling System Type:
Drive Type: Rear
Transmission: Auto, 3-speed


Front Brakes: Disks
Rear Brakes Type: Disks
Leg Room:
Front Tire:

Fuel and Economy

City Mileage:
Highway Mileage:
Mixed Fuel Mileage:
Fuel Type:
Fuel Tank Capacity:
CO2 Emissions:

Vehicle Dimensions

Wheelbase: 3890 mm (152.33 inches)
Total Height: 1560 mm (61.09 inches)
Total Length: 6350 mm (248.75 inches)
Vehicle Width: 2100 mm (82.29 inches)
Car Towing Weight:
Ground Clearance:
Max Weight with Load:
Passenger Space:
Rear Tire:
Seats: 4
Cargo Space:

Body / Chassis

Car Category:
Chassis Type:
Turning Radius:
Aerodynamic Drag Coeficient:
Country of Origin: Russia